Sunday, August 1, 2010

C said "If my body has an innate ability to regulate its weight and request certain nutrients, why are hamburgers always delicious? I mean, it's not like I have a cultural history or emotional attachment to In n'Out..."

In between talking about feeding mice mostly shortening and keeping them in giant refrigerators, HaES briefly notes that there's no better way for the moderately iron deficient to grab some iron than 1/4-1/2 pound of ground beef.

C (and his mother) is always a little low on iron. Doctors have remarked on this, though none of them encouraged burger consumption. If they did, maybe he'd be more willing to go in and discuss his insomnia. (Oh, eat some cheesecake- it'll clear that right up. Either that or some video games.)

1 comment:

--- said...

...and now i want fries. dammit.