Monday, March 29, 2010


I've been having trouble thinking of something to post- something besides "I looked for some snails" or "wetland type is highly dependent on soil type". I thought I'd do one of those "what I was doing on the hour" posts as filler. Because I'm that interesting.

6AM Wake up, reassure myself that I did not sleep through my alarm. Return to sleep.
7AM Waiting for kettle to boil. Fixing rain pants with duck tape.
8AM Rocking out to Somali hip hop in the truck.
9AM Still listening to K'naan- Somali hip hop is surprisingly straight edge. Good Muslims don't drink or sleep around, and people in gangs get murdered by pirates.
10AM On a boat, moving my stuff so it doesn't get wet.
11AM Lost somewhere near the lake. Probably.
12PM Still lost.
1PM Eating lunch. Gromph nomph nomph.
2PM Actual productive work.
3PM Actual productive work. Trying to keep up with my significantly fitter co-worker. Failing.
4PM Aha, the lake has become somewhat rougher than it was this morning. Also our boat is basically a wind sock. Fun times! All the things I own are soaked.
5PM Singing along to K'naan.
6PM Watching Doraleous and Associates. Not for Amys.
7PM Dinner.
8PM Prolonged argument with E about the iPad. Useless piece of consumer garbage, or brilliant innovation that will save the print industry? Also, which of us is debating like a little bitch?
9PM Captain Tightpants. Fire. Kitties. Cs.
10PM Bed. Probably.

1 comment:

--- said...

I think she means that depending on the soil the wet is going to be acidic or alkaline, plants are picky about that. Just a guess.