Monday, September 8, 2008

I like my women like I like my coffee...


Today I was stung by yellowjackets. It was very entertaining. I now am the proud owner of 5-8 stings and bites from my calf to the nape of my neck. I don't know if it's my shortage of sleep, or the massive amounts of venom coursing through my system, but I tire very easily and feel like crap.

Please note: I'm pretty sure I have seven stings, it's just that they take turns hurting because they all need time in the sun. I did find two yellowjackets stuck in my hair, and the sting on my neck hurts more than most of the others, so that might be two. I didn't believe I had so many stings until I circled them all with pen.

Also note: if a stinging insect has taken up residence in your pants, you cannot outrun it.

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