Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why I'll be posting here again.

I have a bad habit of putting off important things. I have a worse habit of realizing how terrible postponing action on those things is in the middle of heartfelt confessions from friends. Last week I peeled off of a conversation on how hard it is marshaling applications for grad school to register for the GRE. It needed doing, alright?

So I'm doing that Friday, because once I stop putting things off, I must do them immediately. I suspect this is unwise. Still, I will be relearning math this week, and re-entering a world where it's OK to pick apart logical flaws in arguments.


Bus Reader said...

The math's not so bad; it's actually easier than SAT math. Review geometry theorems and you'll be fine!

--- said...

Best of luck!

With all of your field experience and references, the GREs should be just a formality. Don't sweat it.