Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What we need: uninformed website design tips

All these websites now require me to sign in before I view their content/post a comment. Señor C has an e-mail for collecting the spam that this generates, which I love him for. I have my username, I have my three passwords- don't care, care a little, and has my credit card. But these people assume too much. They assume that I'll remember that I created an account for the site I read once a month, or comment on once every two months. When I try to sign in, they tell me the password's wrong and boot me to the registration page. When I try to create a new account with my usename, they tell me it's already in use and boot me back. There is no discrete "Aha, it's been a while since I signed in" button for me to click and try again. I have to crawl back to the main page and muck around. After three times, it gets really old.

Wait, did I use Señor C's login for this page? Which password did he use?

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