Sunday, May 16, 2010

I just unfriended someone because they joined the Facebook group "why test on animals when we have pedofiles in prison."

I find the idea of unwilling human testing abhorrent, yes, and I believe that prisoners are already treated inhumanely. I have read several articles that indicate that there are many false convictions of child molesters, and other which indicate it's a horrible horrible pathology instead of a wicked choice. Clearly, she and I feel very differently about this issue.

But who joins a group with an obvious misspelling and no capital letter at the beginning? Who?

And I hate bunnies. Why not put Lysol in their tiny beady eyes?


--- said...

I would have 'unfriended' them as well. Also, I would have devoted 5 minutes to an arson fantasy involving their home and/or car.

Mandaline said...

If I unfriended everyone who posted "liking" a horrible group or political statement, I'd have about half the "friends" I have now.

My favorite recent example is, "It's not racism, you're here illegally!" That one almost made me close facebook permanently.

Mike said...

yeah, facebook can definitely be a channel for TMI.