Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yes, yes, blatant institutionalized racism.

So I've been thinking about the Arizona law of stupid. (SB1070) I'm gonna assume that we all hate it, we all think it should be struck down, we all get really quiet and awkward when one aspect of boycotting Arizona involves no longer taking water out of the Colorado... But I'm wondering about the individual moral issues.

I don't know when and where I picked up the attitude that lying to and obstructing la Migra was the way of all enlightened persons. I do know that when one of our roommates was of questionable documentation (oh, craigslist roomies..) I'd already internalized the concept and just needed to be informed on specifics. And the "everyone runs" meme/joke is almost perfectly prevalent in California...

How does that translate in Arizona? Does everyone refuse to show ID? Does everyone spend a couple hours in jail while this thing gets sorted out, forcing more stupid paperwork? What else can an individual citizen do to make this piece of shit legislation more of a horrific clusterfuck- as a moral American?

Oh look, everyone translates to a tiny subset of the population.

Amistad says la Migra jokes do not go over so well in Hawaii.

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