Our house will never be clean.
You know the absent minded professor? That is who the INTP wants to be. Socially accepted enough to not die alone, but not burdened by social mores. (While finding that link, I wandered away for three hours.) They dream of doing something valuable so well that people will work around their terrible incompetence. Then they can spend hours internetting or pouring water from one vessel to another or figuring out the social interactions of the local feral cats while someone makes them tea and pays the phone bill.
But this is hard! People are generally unwilling to do such things unless one is really really smart. And affable. And reasonably competent about certain emotionally significant issues.
So the INTP applies these skills like a veneer. One has to be reasonably dedicated to study oneself into appearing clever, one must fake extroversion in order to get an audience and minions, one must be slightly empathetic to know when one is truly irritating, and one must be detail oriented enough to remember to wear clean clothes and wedding anniversaries. After a few years of adulthood, you have something that resembles a functional human being.
Then the universe applies stress, and everything goes to hell.
There is no one more calculating, more cold, more cowardly than an INTP who feels put upon. They'll sell you down the river to get five minutes of quiet. If they have an interpersonal problem, their decision tree looks like this:
cut enemy's brake lines> grind teeth down to nubs > abandon bits of life that contain said person >> talk out problem
Also they can lose something neon in an empty room.
Wait, wait. Am I being mocked? Do me next! INTJ! All the way!
Wooo! A fellow INTJ!
I retract my earlier statement. R is an INTJ. Such immense focus! Such fondness for mathematical models!
I am an ISTP, everything I read makes them sound like tools. Oh, god. I'm rain-man, but an ass.
On the bright side, my world is more vivid than you N's.
She's revealing all our secrets!
Wow, no one sounds more intelligent and competent than an internet blogger that makes long winded, hateful generalizations based on someone elses theories.
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