Thursday, April 29, 2010

I hate your face, ISFP: Hurry up!

That's my only complaint. They are sloooooooooooooooooooww. They take forever. Creeping. Ponderous. Phlegmatic. Elephantine. Measured. Lackadaisical. Cautious. Thorough.

See, while I came up with all those adjectives, the ISFP just wrote "slow". Slowly.

Also they are more effective at focused activities than I am. I refuse to believe this is related.


--- said...

These are my favorite attributes in coworkers. I love methodical people on my team. There is something wrong with you if you don't want to work with someone reasonable and meticulous. Usually those two traits are not found in one person.

Mandaline said...

Do INFJ next!