Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I hadn't really thought about the dude who managed to avoid most of the vegetable kingdom for a while. I worked with him for a summer before he went to grad school. He's an excellent botanist, very self critical, and given to... well...

Temper tantrums. Yelling at people for putting noodles on top of rice and then never letting them eat rice in front of him again. Throwing cow pies at coworkers. Driving away laughing while the gate opener runs gasping and sockfooted behind the crummy. Hiding in his room after work, crouched behind the bed when people knocked on the door. I'm all for whimsical behavior, but there's a limit in a workplace setting.

So yesterday I saw one of his friends- Sarah 6, as she was known in college. We were chatting, and she mentioned that she'd just visited the greatest botanist I've ever met under the age of forty. I asked after him.

"He's great!" she said "I think the stress of grad school has really made him open up, recognize that the inner child needs to be expressed now and again. He's not so worried about being proper and appropriate."

So that's a relief, right?

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