Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Six kinds of bacon

I bumped into another former professor today- she remembered me, more's the pity. (That's not fair.) She has ideas about what young people today should be doing. They should be in grad school, for one thing. They should go to botany club meetings, for another. They should not swank about new jobs. They should think botany is awesome. And they should vote. She did a quick check to see how Señor C and I measured up. (I scored much higher than he did, btw. Except on the bragging)

Damn, I should have thrown Cuervito and his impending nuptials under her wheels. That'd derail the fair judgement of my abilities.

Hey, dude, have you told the doctor of Chlorogalum you're engaged yet?

On a side note, the newly revamped Co-op has at least six kinds of bacon. We will try all of it as soon as possible.

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