Monday, November 24, 2008

I know in general that it's bad to open e-mail from John Holmes.

Señor C and I have inherited each other's friends, which is pleasant because we both have to social skills of carp. Usually my technique for friend making is poaching the aquaintances of my current friends. Either that or impertinant personal questions.

But there's a downside. The friends are all lovely, but they have family. And then the family gets ahold of your work e-mail.

I guess my point is, if someone's e-mail handle is the name of a porn star, maybe you shouldn't open it at work. If one does, one should pray that the computer is muted.

One of the best parts of this weekend was discovering that Mr. Holmes sends most of these e-mails from his phone. He's not rude enough to interrupt conversation to check his RSS feeds, he waits until he's in the bathroom.

Have I ever mentioned what elegant and charming people my readers are?

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