First, it seems I did a terrible job collecting data this year. I should have given data collection an entire day and not lost my notes on the control transect. I should also have more than one control transect, although the Forest Service didn't plan their project so I could do that, and the nearest meadow to the experiment is a SPI clearcut. I guess I should have avoided getting my camera stolen, or gotten those photos off my dad's camera before he deleted them. I was reeeaaallllly depressed about the whole thing- fussing in little mental circles, trying to figure out how I could prevent doing something similar in the future- when C pointed out that buying a laptop and a backup system went a long way towards preventing future data loss. I guess I already fixed that problem then. Huh. Still, sorting out the data is proving to be a terrible pain- I wish I'd started sooner.
I'm listening to every song in my iTunes library that has the word "bird" somewhere in the notes. I thought this was a clever way to listen to both "Birds Flying Home" and everything by Redbird without bothering to make an actual playlist. I forgot that I have the Peterson Guide to North American Bird Calls in my library. You might think it's all melody, but most of it is rattling and chattering and horrible moans. If I had to rename this site, I'd name it "Least Bittern". Also, the cats are more disturbed by my owl call imitations than the actual owl calls. It's tough toes for them, because I really want to be able to do the hidden owl magic trick. I bet you a dollar Assisi used that one.
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